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Sudden error in code


@Nightwing wrote:

Hello all, I've been attempting to implement a 2D shooter game on Monogame. I wish to spawn my enemies vertically using the Y axis, but I get an error regarding the 'public void' and 'enemies.count' part of the code. Would someone be willing to help me out on this because I am not sure what is going wrong. Here is the code:

public void LoadEnemies()
                int randY = random.Next(100, 400);

                if (spawn >= 1)
                    spawn = 0;
                    if (enemies.Count() < 4)
                        enemies.Add(new Enemies(Content.Load<Texture2D>("Enemy1"), new Vector2(1100, randY)

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Einstein's Riddle


@Kostas_Giannakakis wrote:

Einstein's Riddle is a classic puzzle attributed to Albert Einstein. I've created in the past an Android application that extended the puzzle and offered many variations. I have used MonoGame to port it for iOS and Windows devices. Your comments will be truly appreciated.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7J6LckDMck

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[HELP] Hardware Requirements?


@DedruPooru wrote:

Hello yet again

I cannot find anywhere what are the minimum Hardware Requirements to run MonoGame 3.6 DesktopGL project.
I found that few people have had the same question but they haven't been answered.

So, what versions of OpenGL and OpenAL are required, are there any other requirements? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Tiled Map Size

Just found another alternative game framework for old XNA users.

Is Alpha to Coverage supported?


@Ultima124 wrote:

I've used this feature before in native DX11 and I was wondering if it was supported in Monogame? Would definitely prefer this over traditional alpha testing or other not so pretty alternatives.

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2D collision detection minimum translation vector problem


@CSharpCoder wrote:

I'm using Nez physics and I have a velocity variable that moves the characters every frame. In order to avoid moving into another collider, it applies the velocity to the colliders attached to the first character and checks if they intersect with any other colliders, if not it just moves. If there is an intersection at this new position it finds the minimum translation to apply to the first collider in order to move it away from the other and subtracts that from the motion.

The problem is that this minimum translation might move it away from one collider, but if it moved it straight into another it's useless. The way this can happen is for example if the character is falling down at a high speed and falls down on some tiles, the distance it will move into the ground on the y-axis might exceed the distance it will take to move it to the next tile on the x-axis. How can I take the surrounding colliders into consideration?

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Error with my Y axis?


@Nightwing wrote:


I'm creating a game, similar to Space Invaders in a sense, however while my background and enemies are spawning vertically on the Y axis, it isn't the way that I would like it.

I want my game world, and assets to spawn from top to bottom, rather than bottom to top. Would anyone be willing to assist me on how to fix this error?

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Rogue Engine Editor - Create the Rogue Adventure of your dreams!


@sqrMin1 wrote:

Maybe some of you already read about the PenumbraPhysics.Editor - a MonoGame powered WinForms editor with realtime updatable controls.

Now I want to show you my current progress building up a real editor environment for my main game project - based on the Penumbra Physics Editor, but strongly modified. From time to time I will post my further development progress here.

Please watch this video:

Rogue Engine Editor Video

Click on the image to watch the YouTube video.

What do I use to achieve this editor?

  • MonoGame.Framework (rendering and updating)
  • MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline (content compilation)
  • Windows Forms (UI and basic functionality (yes, it's not WPF))
  • Penumbra (light and shadow system) already implemented but not seeable at the moment
  • Farseer Physics Engine (physics system) already implemented but not usable at the moment
  • RogueEngine.ContentPipeline (custom content importers / processors / readers and writers for things like animations)
  • Newtonsoft.Json (serializing / deserializing editor / project data and preparing game objects inside the content pipeline of the Rogue Engine)
  • WeifenLuo.WinFormsUI.Docking (DockPanel suit - advanced UI)

With the Rogue Engine editor it should be possible to create a mod for Caasi's Odyssey, which is a Rogue Adventure and which will be available on steam.

The goal of the editor is to maximize the mod support of the game.

This means creating / importing / modifying custom:

  • Textures
  • Animations
  • AnimationEffects
  • Physics (with possibility of creating vertices out of a texture)
  • EmitterEffects
  • Sound and Music
  • RoomSheets
  • Items
  • Mobs (monsters)
  • Bosses
  • SpecialAttacks
  • Light and Shadow behavior
  • Events

The Rogue Engine Editor will be a part of Caasi's Odyssey and is absolutly free of charge. It becomes available automatically in your steam library, when you purchase the game.

Feel free to also track the dev progress here:

Twitter: sqrMin1
IndieDB: Caasi's Odyssey
YouTube: sqrMin1
Trello: Caasi's Odyssey

Caasi's Odyssey (the main game project) is:

  • in development since October 28, 2013
  • Greenlit since April 27, 2016

For more information visit:

Website: Caasi's Odyssey
Press Kit: Caasi's Odyssey - Press Kit
Website: IndieanerGames

As soon as I have something more to tell, I will post further updates in this thread.
For shorter updates take a look at my twitter site.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed :wink:

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[Solved] Upgraded to v3.6 fullscreen and resolution broken (need help)


@Jonathan_Pearson wrote:

I just upgraded from 3.5 to 3.6 and I'm having some rendering issues now. At first I got a blank screen but in the correct window size then I learned I needed to add the HiDef profile for fix the error was I was getting. Once I did that the game ran again but never in the correct size and full screen no longer works here is a screen capture:

Do I need different code now to set the correct window size and enable full screen? I was using this:

graphicsM.PreferredBackBufferWidth = graphicsM.GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Width;
            graphicsM.PreferredBackBufferHeight = graphicsM.GraphicsDevice.DisplayMode.Height;
            graphicsM.PreferMultiSampling = true;
            graphicsM.IsFullScreen = true;

It should be in 2560x1440 (it also does not matter if I directly set the preferredbackbufferw/h the game window is always the same size).

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[solved] DesktopGL transparency problem?


@mgulde wrote:

Hello all,

I would like port my Windows project to a DesktopGL one to make it accessible from various platforms. However, it seems to me as if there is an issue with transparency in DesktopGL:

I have used exactly the same code in both occasions (followed this very helpful tutorial on how to set up your cross-platform project: Multi platform tutorial.

Did anyone come across this oddity before? Do I need to activate transparency separately or maybe write a little custom shader?


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Content Manager issue?


@juju wrote:

I've been working on a little app of sorts to generate a few bits of text. It actually just draws random values from dictionaries and prints them on the screen (it's for a school project). I opted to do it in Monogame because I'm familiarized with it and would like to have background images, etc.

Anyway, I was doing this on the WP also, and had no issues there. However, on the PC, I changed the background image for another one with the same name and, since, all I get is this:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentNullException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: Valor não pode ser nulo.(Value can't be null)

It doesn't point out anything in the code, just shows this on a blank screen of sorts.

After a while I gave up and started a new Windows project, in which I just pasted the code from earlier, added the images back and it worked flawlessly. According to a friend of mine, this might be a Monogame issue, though I don't remember ever getting this before. Also, as I've stated, the same code works if I put it in a new project or run it on the Windows Phone.

Any tips on what I could be doing wrong? Or is it something on the framework's side?

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Tiled Map Spawn Point


@MonoMan wrote:

I created a SpawnPoint object in my Tiled map and placed it. Inside of Visual Studio, I draw my little sprite character's position at map.Objects[0].Object[0].Position, which is the location of the Spawn Point. But when the game loads, he's not where I want him, but when I debug the project, it says he is. I'm assuming this is because the Tiled map is not drawn perfectly to my screen so the locations in the simulator are different than in the Tiled Map. How do I fix this?

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PipelineManager - how to use?


@Antoine_Chartier wrote:

So, what I'm trying to achieve is for now to have a program that builds a .png file into a .xnb at launch so I can later on have a nice modding system for my game without the modder having to use the pipeline GUI tool. Two problems so far: I have no clue what the complete initialization and build process for the PipelineManager should be, and my last attempt ended up throwing a nullreferenceexception at the Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; line in the Game1() constructor. I've included the NuGet pipeline reference btw.
Any ideas?

+: Right now, I have a dummy folder in my desktop with a "tree.png" file in it. My goals is to have the program build it to an xnb in the same folder for now.

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Animation creation [2d]


@Leon_Dixon wrote:

I am trying to create an animation for my game but don't understand how to transition the sprites from my character sheet, could anyone possibly help?

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Developer looking for learning partners


@Richard_Saville wrote:

Hello i'm a C# .Net developer with about 6 years professional experience, looking to learn to make games using C# and Monogame. I'm fairly new to Monogame and just working my way through a few tutorials. It would be nice to have a partner(s) who are either working together on the same project or just all working through the same tutorials. We can ask questions when we get stuck, discuss game ideas, learn together. I'm open to working with people of varying skill levels, some programming experience would be preferred. But if you are brand new i'm very willing to help teach you some basics. I'd prefer to use discord to chat but am open to other options.

My interest in games is pretty varied, and am really open to working on a variety of projects. Ideally we keep the initial projects small in scope as we learn. I'd love to build up to larger scale RPG projects, I love playing co-op games as well so ideally we spend some time learning to make networked games as well.

Feel free to message me on here, or email me saville.rich@gmail.com.

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spritesheet animation


@Nightwing wrote:

Hello, I have been following a tutorial for monogame which was for creating a traditional 2D shooter however whenever I load my spritesheet into the game it keeps stuttering and I am not sure what I am doing wrong

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Cannot load as a non-Content file (even though built through content pipeline)


@Rallco wrote:

I've had this issue before and don't know how i fixed it (just loaded the exact same TMX File with the exact same properties and it worked this one time) but this time it isn't fixing, the error is saying it cannot load asset as a non-content file, however i built the asset through Monogame pipline

line of code:
map = Content.Load("Level Two");

i built Level Two in monogame pipeline, but it keeps coming up with:
An unhandled exception of type 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.ContentLoadException' occurred in MonoGame.Framework.dll

Additional information: Could not load Level Two asset as a non-content file!

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Wrong MonoGame paths when using template I create from a MonoGame project


@GeonBit wrote:

I made a MonoGame project and exported it as a Visual Studio template file.

When I create a new project from that template inside Visual Studio default project folder (in my case, *C:\Users\Ronen\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects*), everything works fine and it builds and compile out of the box.

However, if I try to use the template outside the default Visual Studio folder, for example here: C:\Users\Ronen\Documents\test, I'm getting the following build errors:

1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x86\SDL2.dll" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x64\SDL2.dll" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x86\soft_oal.dll" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x64\soft_oal.dll" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x86\libSDL2-2.0.so.0" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x64\libSDL2-2.0.so.0" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x86\libopenal.so.1" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x64\libopenal.so.1" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\libSDL2-2.0.0.dylib" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\libopenal.1.dylib" because it was not found.
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4106,5): error MSB3030: Could not copy the file "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\MonoGame.Framework.dll.config" because it was not found.
========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

As you can see, MonoGame searches for its assemblies in the wrong place!

I'm pretty sure I don't have Users/Program Files (x86) on my computer.... (note the "C:\Users\Program Files (x86)\MonoGame\v3.0\Assemblies\DesktopGL\x86\SDL2.dll" part). Whats even stranger, is that if I put in different folders I get different random paths. For example if I put in c:/projects/something/ I get paths like C:\Users\Ronen\AppData\Program Files (x86)...

I think it has something to do with this variable $(MonoGameInstallDirectory) which Visual Studio use to copy MonoGame files. For some reason it gets terribly broken when using templates.. Probably it uses some relative path somewhere, which explains why it works when I put my project in Visual Studio's default projects dir.

I could fix it manually for every project I create from the template, but I want to release the template itself for other people so I need to fix that in the template level.

Any ideas how to solve this problem? And should I report it to MonoGame team or am I just doing something wrong here?

I searched for "MonoGameInstallDirectory" definition anywhere inside the template zip but couldn't find where its defined.



BTW this is super easy to reproduce (visual studio 2015):

  1. Create new MG cross desktop project.
  2. Export as template.
  3. Use template to create a project anywhere but the default Visual Studio projects dir.

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Screen Tearing / Warped Tiles


@mason-wolf wrote:

I've tried using:

SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = true;

Changing to supported resolutions, altering the camera zoom.

I have tiles that are warped:

Any assistance would be appreciated!

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